Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged!
Good ole' Cindy Matzat tagged me and now I must share some random things to the world!

Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Random things most people may not know about Cassandra Dawn Chambers:

1. I almost burned up in a house fire when I was six months old.
2. I love listening to opera, watching opera, and SINGING opera!!
3. My dream job would be to sing in a professional choir or vocal group...preferrably a black spiritual choir.
4. I model my singing voice after Rosemary Clooney and my mother.
5. I once wanted to go to culinary arts school and have a cooking show called Cooking with Casey...and totally practice sometimes when I'm alone!!
6. I sometimes hold a phone to my ear when I'm singing in the car so that the Branson traffic won't think I'm crazy!

Hmmm..... now to tag some others:

Carissa Lilly

Kate Fried

Shauna Caldwell

Erica Smith

Kristin Hanley

Abby Kuiper


Unknown said...

If you came Friday night, my life would be complete. ;D But truly, I have missed you. From your facebook account it looks as if you have been out of town and crazy busy. Hope your week is slowing down a little. I love ya.

shauna c said...

Hey, I did the six random tings POST on my blog. Enjoy it!!