Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Break from Daycare!

For some reason, when I find myself with an empty chunk of time during the day, I always think it's fun to go steal my neice Isabella from daycare to just play with her. She's five and this is her last summer before kindergarten. I have childhood memories that take me back to when I was two years old. I suppose everytime I go pick up Isabella, I hope I'm adding to her database of fond memories...and I just love her. For those of you that have never met Bella, she is pure sunshine!! She is a ray of light in a dark room. She is somewhat simple, meaning she assumes the world is good and that everyone is here to be friends with eachother. She notices things that most people never would...the sparkles on the sidewalk, the clock hanging on the wall in an obscure shop, and she can spot a pack of gum in any room, purse, or pocket. She's one of my favorite people...ever. When Jesus speaks of the "little children" and their innocence...he's referring to kids just like Bella.
This last week, I found myself with such a chunk of time and had a grand idea! I could steal Isabella from daycare AND introduce her to Kenzi, my dear friend Erin's little girl. I had to go get both girls from daycare and we decided to go where every kid wants to eat: McDonalds! Kenzi is three and is also a sweetheart. The two girls hit it off from the get go.

People at McDonalds got a kick from these two cuties and their attempts at eating Happy Meals and ice cream. Bella drug her whole braid in her ice cream and it didn't even phase her! Let's just say our table was an absolute MESS when we left that poor fast food joint...but we all made some fun memories!

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