Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Catching Up

Hello to those who are reading! I can't believe it is almost the end of February! Where is this school year going??! Crazy!
Well, many of you have been asking how my weight loss challenge has been going. I really appreciate those of you who have asked me, because that is one of the things that has kept me going: the encouragement and accountability of friends.
This Monday I weighed in and lost an additional 2 pounds. I have now lost 12.2 pounds. It doesn't really sound like that much, but it is a big deal for me! I have never stayed with any diet/work out regime for longer than a month and I have now been going strong for 7 weeks. I now have 87.8 pounds to lose! I'll do it one pound at a time if I have to!

As many of you know, it is now my favorite season of the year: Lent. Well, for Lent this year I am giving up two things: School lunches and weighing myself in between Mondays. The first one is a challenge because it means that I have to make time for me to make my lunch each morning. The latter one is a real challenge because I have no idea how I am doing during the week. I think it's been really good for me in the long run. It has made me aware of what I'm eating and makes me aware of how my body feels each day, especially since I can't check my progress on the scale each day.

Thanks for all of you who are sticking with me through this journey. I think it will turn out to be one of the most challenging things I've ever done in my life...yet one of the most rewarding.

1 comment:

Kelly N said...

Ok weight loss friend, I am right behind you. I am down 7 pounds in my 100 pound quest. That gives me 93 more to go :) My first goal is I would like to lose 30 by school ending. We will see. I am also in need of NOT eating school lunches. That and soda are my main downfalls. I have cut my soda intake back to only 2-3 times a week and know that has contributed to my weight loss success. We can do it! I am proud of you!