Friday, March 16, 2007

Awww...the luxury of Spring Break!

I must say...I think I'm beginning to love Spring Break more than any other break as a teacher, except for summer, of course. This past week has been wonderful. I feel like I have really spent some good time with old friends which reminds me of how thankful I should be right now on my journey with the Lord. I almost feel like I've been on a spiritual retreat. Let me just tell you what I've been up to since I left the wild side of Nashville.

After Nashville, I drove up to Louisville, Kentucky to stay with my dear friends Laura Wishall and Kathleen Hanley. This portion of my break was very laid back and very relaxing. I spent all morning on Tuesday with the Lord and I feel like I was able to really present a lot of crap that has been going on in my life for the past bit. It was freeing. I feel a little bit more confident in these hard areas than I did before my journey to Louisville.

I spent a lot of time with Laura and Kathleen, which was so encouraging to my heart. I think sometimes I get in these friendship ruts where I feel like I have to work hard at being accepted and loved. It was just SO good to be near friends who I know love me and who love me for just who I am. I wasn't trying to impress or prove myself worthy...I just was. And that was beautiful.

One of my favorite parts of my journey to Louisville was playing with Reas, Kathleen and Ryan's 11month old baby boy. He was so fun and so adorable. I really miss having babies in my life.

Spending time with Kathleen and Laura reminded me of who I really am inside. I've forgotten how much I treasure heart friends, quality time, and making memories. I'm so thankful for fun new memories such as: driving through humongous puddles with Laura, watching Steel Magnollias and bawling like babies, grading papers with great friends, and playing the coupon game with Laura.

On Thursday, I drove all the way home so that I could go to worship practice. Today I spent the day with my mom. I took her to lunch at a tea room, went shopping, and then went with her to the salon to get her nails done. Somehow on the journey from TJ Maxx to Gary's salon, mom talked me into getting not only a pedicure, but waxing my eyebrows as well! It was too fun and so worth it. I definitely have an appointment for next month...Wahoo for being a woman.
Well, that basically wraps up my Spring Break! Tomorrow I plan on spending my Saturday in my classroom, preparing and organizing for my little angels. All after sleeping in, of course!


kate said...

hey caseyloohoo!
i get to see you tonight!!
i'm so excited!

i accidentally erased my template then had to re-put it in, but in the process lost the code for the 'subscription' part. do you think you could copy & paste that section and send it on over to me?

thanks buddy!

i want to hear more about your trip tonight! i will be asking many probing questions.
get ready.

v.taimani said...

casey.. this blog was hilarious to me.. i bet your class can make life interesting at times.. anyway, i hope ur doing well.. take care..
