Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hello...Is anybody still here???

Alas!! I have returned! After over six months of absence and feeling like I was betraying a good old friend, I have persuaded myself that this blogging thing is good for me. It's good for my mood, my stress level, and my soul. It's funny to me...blogging, that is. Sometimes I don't ever feel like I have anything worth saying unless I have a picture to go with it. I like it when a blog tells a story and has illustrations to go with it. I also feel like I'm never able to blog unless I can make an amazing plug about what God is doing in my life. Granted, God is always doing something in my life...sometimes the message just remains hidden. The more I read my friends' blogs, the more I enjoy the blogs about everyday nonsense. You don't always have to have a deep message, pictures, or even a point at all. This is my new mission in blogging. If I have strange thoughts that make no sense, I am going to share my weirdness with the world! So look out world and meet the new and improved Chats with Casey....complete with not always having pictures, a point, and guaranteed to shout out pure randomness!!


Jason and Abby said...

i can't wait and i am looking forward to every minute of it!!!! and i hardly doubt you won't have a point. you have a beautiful heart and i know I will see it come out even in the simplest of ways...which really, is many times the best.

Carissa said...

i'm here! and excited to see you posting! yeah casey!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm so excited to have you back. :) It so nice to hear your voice.

shauna c said...

I am so exicted that you have decided to begin blogging again. I can't wait to read about your life, what is going on, and what you are thinking. You are one cool blogger. Kudos to you for picking it back up,my friend.
I love you.
